• Bosanski
  • English

JUST ENERGY! as an energy group – a group of managers in the energy and utility industry of the Western Balkans, of the same rank or similar occupation, or business interest.

WHY A FORUM? Because a FORUM (by definition) is a place, situation or group where people exchange ideas and discuss a certain topic. And JUST ENERGY! is exactly that.

ZBOG ČEGA BRAINSTORMING (po naški „oluja mozgova“) ?

Our business brainstorming in the field of “energy of the present” is designed to get you out of the box in which you think and introduce you to new ways of thinking in finding solutions FOR “ENERGY OF THE FUTURE“, based on the “good practice” that we will present.

Briefly about the reason for JUST ENERGY! forum in Terme Ozren:

Fossil gas/gas makes up about 95% of the fuel consumed in the EU today. These fuels account for approximately 22% of the total energy consumption in the EU (which also includes approximately 20% of electricity production in the EU and 39% of thermal energy production). According to the relevant scenarios used in the impact assessment of the Plan to achieve the climate goal, the share of gaseous/gaseous fuels in the total energy consumption in the EU in 2050 would be approximately 20%. Gaseous fuels will play an important role in the energy mix by 2050, necessitating a decarbonisation of the sector based on a forward-looking model of competitive decarbonised gas markets. Despite their small contribution to the current EU energy mix, biogas/biogas, biomethane, hydrogen/hydrogen from renewable sources and low-carbon hydrogen/hydrogen and synthetic methane (all gases/gases from renewable sources and low-carbon gases/gases) would account for approx. 2/3 of these fuels in the energy mix by 2050, with the remainder being fossil gas/gas with carbon capture, storage and use.

This initiative is also part of the “Fit for 55” package. It covers the gas/gases market model, including hydrogen/hydrogen. It will remove existing regulatory obstacles and create more cost-effective conditions/conditions for this. It is an important part of the transition to an integrated energy system that minimizes the costs of achieving climate neutrality, especially for consumers, and opens up new opportunities for reducing their energy bills and for their active participation in the market.

On the other hand, the biggest advantage of geothermal energy is that it is environmentally friendly and safe for the environment. The method used to obtain electricity does not create emissions harmful to the environment. The use of fossil fuels is reduced, which also reduces the emission of greenhouse gases (greenhouse gases). Another advantage is the energy reserves available to us. Geothermal energy reserves are practically inexhaustible.

The potential of geothermal energy is huge, it is 50,000 times more than all the energy that can be obtained from oil and gas/gas worldwide. Geothermal resources are found at a wide range of depths, from shallow surface to several kilometers deep reservoirs of hot water and steam that can be brought to the surface and used.

It is estimated that the heat flow from the interior to the surface of the Earth is 42 TW. At the same time, 8 TW comes from the Earth’s crust (which makes up only 2% of the total volume, but is rich in radioactive isotopes), 32.3 TW from the mantle (82% of the volume), and only 1.7 TW from the core (makes up 16% of the volume, but no isotopes). The total geothermal energy of the Earth (ie the Earth as a planet) could be estimated at 12.6 × 10 24 MJ, and the crust at 5.4 × 10 21 MJ. Of course, only a small part of all this could be used effectively. The world’s geothermal potential is therefore huge, almost 35 billion times greater than today’s energy needs, but only a very small part of it can be efficiently (i.e. cost-effectively) exploited, only up to a depth of 5000 m. And this is currently an ENERGY TOP TOPIC NOT ONLY ON THE EUROPEAN CONTINENT BUT ALSO IN THE WHOLE WORLD. Hence the occasion for serious thematic discussions in the energy sector as well.


Terme „Ozren“ od 26. – 28. 11. 2024.